A Leap of Faith – Learning How to Delegate

learning to delegate
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On Monday morning when you look at your to-do list, what do you see?  A list of tasks you that you have to do in order for your business to continue to function and operate?  Do you also have a secondary list of items that would be great to do if you had the time?

This second list might include networking and business development tasks or fine-tuning and perfecting of current work-flow processes.  While these tasks might not be “have to’s” in order for your business to survive, they may be “have-to’s” for your business to continue to thrive and grow.  Hey, who doesn’t want their business to thrive and grow?  If only there were more hours in the day . . .

Enter stage left – the art of delegating.

Ugh, you think, delegating while nice in theory, is probably going to cause more headaches than moments of relief.  You know you are the best person to get the job done quickly and correctly, why complicate your life?

Why, you ask?  Because you need to get to that second list of tasks, that’s why.  You need to perfect and fine-tune and grow your company, and in order to do that you are going to have to delegate some work.

First and foremost consider which tasks are most easily assignable and who on your team is the most trustworthy to get the job done right.  When choosing tasks to delegate, don’t start with your highest priority items, especially if you are on a tight timeline.  Start by delegating some of the grunt work, and as you build trust in one of your team member’s capabilities, you will be able to delegate more crucial line items on your to do list.

Regardless of the task, think about who on your team has expressed or shown the most commitment to your business long-term and who would be most appreciative of an opportunity to grow their skill set.  You will probably get more effort from a team member who is trying to expand their role than someone who might just be pleasantly but complacently floating along their career path.

Next up?  Be extremely clear with instructions and expectations in regards to the process. Being overly detailed with instruction and communication leaves less room for misunderstanding and thus error.  Will this process take some extra time and attention?  Absolutely!  But the idea is that your efforts will pay off in the long run as your time investment in your employees empower them to become more helpful members of your team and business process.

Last but not least?  Don’t forget to reward, praise, and acknowledge a job well done.  This a business, not a best friends club, and people respond to positive reinforcement and they really respond to financial incentives.  As they learn to do more in your company, they become more valuable to you, and in many circumstances it is reasonable for this to be reflected financially.




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