Entrepreneurship and Innovation Start From Noticing: Design Awesome Customer Experiences by Cultivating Attention

entrepreneurship and social listening
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Entrepreneurship and innovation go hand and hand.

Entrepreneurs must practice positive disruption — continually exploring and considering ways to improve their processes — as well as examine what customers want and need.

Successful entrepreneurs — and students of entrepreneurship — realize that customer experiences don’t just happen spontaneously. A service-oriented business takes pains to understand what makes their customers happy and what makes them frustrated enough to cut ties with the business.

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Designing awesome customer experiences and interactions, whether online or in person, is one of the many ways to get more business from your existing and new clients.

It all starts with paying attention: paying attention to the details; paying attention to the big picture; and making appropriate responses based on these observations.

You don’t have to be a Michelin star chef to cook up a delicious dining experience for your customer.  However, to design these awesome customer experiences, you should look to the lessons of entrepreneurship. You have to pay attention to the tiniest scraps of information you can glean from your customers; then, you tailor their dining experience using those tidbits of information.

Perhaps you overhear someone complaining about their ulcers acting up. Consequently, maybe you respond by asking if they still want their curry extra spicy. Or perhaps you hear someone complain about the watered-down taste of their iced tea. As a result, you freeze cubes of iced tea and use that as ice the next time you serve the beverage.

In sum, entrepreneurship tells us that by paying attention to the needs of customers, you improve their experience of your product or service.

And because customer needs evolve over time, your responses should adapt accordingly. Being responsive, relevant and timely is one of the many time-tested sales growth strategies that work across industries.

So how does this transfer to online endeavors? The tenets of entrepreneurship are basically the same; the medium just changes.

Social listening” is something all brands need to invest in if they want to remain relevant and personal amidst the din and distraction in today’s business.

Because people are often more forthcoming about their likes and dislikes when there is physical distance involved, it’s essential to listen to what they have to say via social media. Maybe the topic of how a 9-to-5 worker can learn entrepreneurship on their own time regularly comes up in the comments.

Thus, if you develop your succeeding content around your readers’ feedback and write entrepreneurship articles with regularity, you will fill a genuine need. Likewise, you can even address potential “pain points” they may have endured all along – a gesture your audience will appreciate.

Many disruptive technologies have been created because their developers and inventors — falcons of entrepreneurship — kept an eye out on things ignored by regular people. Uber is an example of a major disruptive business; it is the top “taxi” company in the nation, but it owns no taxis. Similarly, Airbnb is the leading rental booking company, but they own no real estate.

Necessity is the mother of invention, and she happens to have keen attention.

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Icon Credits (thenounproject.com):

Martina Krasnayova; Luis Prado

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